Sunday, October 27, 2013

Literature Review Blog #2

Hu, Helen. "State Colleges Seeking More Out-of-State, International Students Amid Fiscal Crunch." Diverse Issues in Higher Education 28.11 (2011): 21-2. ProQuest. Web. 22 Oct. 2013.
This text is about the issues of colleges recruiting out of state students and how it is hurting in state minority students. As universities accept more students out of state to help fund their schools, they are hurting minority students by not giving them opportunities to attend a university. Most low income minority students are barely able to afford college for students that are in state and now they have to suffer without higher education because universities are starting to overpopulate with out of state students they recruit just to help the school get by.


Key Terms:
Economy, funding, minority, growth/expansion

“The out-of-state students help subsidize the in-state students, officials say.”
 “’There are families who have chipped in for decades to support these universities — given vastly more than out-of-staters,’ he said. “I consider this one of the basic state services.”
“’What I object to is when the reason for having out-of-staters ceases to be educational and becomes purely financial.’ Could the out-of-state efforts squeeze out in-state minority applicants?”
“Alarm over the out-of-state growth has escalated as competition has sharpened to get into many state schools, especially flagships. UC-Berkeley”
“Santiago believes people don’t fault flagships such as the University of Wisconsin-Madison for aiming to become global institutions, with global impact.”


This article can prove how the high prices of out of state tuition not only hurts the students receiving the high prices but also the students in the state. They are losing spots to attend a state university that should be directed towards them because the university is more interested in admitting non-residences to help fund the school.

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