Thursday, October 10, 2013

Literature Review Blog #1

Pielke, Roger, Jr. "Commentary." The Chronicle of Higher Education. N.p., 24 July 2011. Web. 08 Oct.       2013.
This article is about the advantages that equal tuition could bring to the university system that is currently not available the in state and out of state tuition. He talks about the improvements that universities are given with the new concept that he has generated which could be very beneficial not only for the university but the improvement of education to the students attending the university.
Roger Pielke Jr. is a graduate of the University of Colorado at Boulder where he received his BA, MA, and PhD. He has worked very strongly in the science and weather field of studies. One of his interests that he has is making decisions of uncertainty. With Pielke being very familiar in the school system not only as a graduate but also a professor he can see how things can be very rigged in the tuition area. He also has written books in the economic area giving him a strong understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of the tuition policies that are in place currently.
Key Terms
Economic market-the author explains how equal tuition can help students, universities, and government if people will stop trying to stay in a traditional mind set.
Competition-The author is very concerned about college’s strategies for competition of getting the best students possible. Having the best students possible the author feels that the school does not have the equipment to educate these students
“Colorado residents who will pay about $7,700 in tuition for the 2011-12 school year. The other third—out-of-state residents—will pay about $29,000 per year. The result is that almost two-thirds of the university's total tuition revenue comes from one-third of its students.”
I feel that this article can help me with my research paper because it gives the idea of more options of how to fix out of state tuition. It gives options of what people can do to be able to pay for tuition with the advantages and disadvantages of equality of tuition.
“The same total revenue could be raised with a flat tuition rate of about $14,000, which would instantly make Colorado extremely competitive nationally and internationally, and immediately increase the quality of the student body by increasing the size of the applicant pool.”

“If we want to foster state goals of business development, an educated work force, and quality economic growth, we need policies that are in line with both the realities of the modern academic market and the role of government in higher education.”

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