Baoyan, Cheng. "College Choices: The Economics Of Where To Go, When To Go, And How To Pay For It." 76.1 (n.d.): 110-120. Web. 24 Nov. 2013.
The chapter that was most appealing to my work was chapter 7. This chapter is about the reason why universities charge so much for non-resident tuition. It also gave ways that universities could find funding that would help them continue to thrive as they should without having to be unfair to students. This book also gives ideas for students to have financial needs and grants to help them thrive in their college career without dealing with a lot of debt.
Caroline M. Hoxby
Key Terms:
flagships, enrollment, grant aid, and revenue
"Legislators and their constituents may also prefer not to fund institutions directly because they may worry that the dollars will not go to the intended uses"
"Time will tell if [public higher education] will increasingly turn to out-of-state students' tuition revenues to fill the holes in their budgets."
This book gives great data to help understand the idea of tuition payments, enrollment, and the growth of tuition as well.
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